目前分類:Music Together by Candy作業簿 (316)

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Roll Over (P.10. P.11)
1.Sing with songbook and let your kids know some of the animals name and counting.

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She Sells Sea Shells (P.8)
1.Sing with the songbook

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Pussy Cat (P.12)
1.Sing with the Songbook

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Noes and Toes (P.14)
1. Sing with the Songbook

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Old King Cole (P. 10)
1. Sing with the songbook

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Can you do this? (P.14)
1. Sing with the Songbook

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Marching and Drumming (P.21)
1. Sing with the Songbook change different marching insects also make the voice cresendo and decresendo.

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No More Pie (P.25)
1. Sing with the Songbook and use your imagination to guide your children repeat your ideas or ask for their ideas. (DEpends on how old is your child.)

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The sounds of fall (P.6)
1. Sing with the songbook

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This Little Light of Mine (P.30)
1. Songbook

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Apples and Cherries (P.7)
1.Sing with the pictures in the book, point to the pictures and sing all of the foods one by one, after that you can sing the original version of the song.

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Butterfly (P.26)
Children sing song without words sooner(and more accurately)than they sing songs with lyrics. Playing with songs like this supports your child's first attempts at singing.

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Here is the Beehive (P.20)
1.Sing with the Songbook

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Hotaru Koi (P.9)
1.Sing with the songbook with crayon and point to the fireflies on the beat.

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Mary Wore a red dress (P.13)
1.Sing with the Songbook

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Swing (P.12)
1. Use macrobeat and microbeat to sing with the singbook.

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Train to the City (P.26)
1. Sing with the Songbook

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Jack in the box (P.6)
1.Sing with the songbook and read the picture out loud to let your children hear the rhyme.

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Rocketship (P.24)
1.Singing with the songbook

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Vegan a ver (P.22)
1.Sing with the Sing book and try to use different languages to sing with.

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